Resources to help give your children the best

Parents Should Have the Final Say

We believe that parents should have the final say when making decisions on behalf their minor’s education.  Many children are suffering tremendously in public schools, and it doesn’t seem to be getting better.  Our mission is two-fold.  We are calling for a mass exodus because we believe there is no other way for school boards to hear parents.  We also believe that we need strong school boards who listen to parents’ concerns.  While we work on getting our school boards back on track, we cannot leave our children to suffer in silence in these publicly funded indoctrination camps. 



                         What the FPEA says:


While homeschooling requires time and devotion, the education can be safe, sincere, nurturing and highly effective without requiring an unyielding burden on the parents or child. The “One House on the Prairie” perception, although still possible and effective, doesn’t reflect today’s reality. Busy single parents, in fact, are homeschooling their children, as are fathers. Also, struggling learners and children who learn differently are succeeding academically, often better than their counterparts in public schools.”

Resources To Get You Started

The mission of Public School Exit is to facilitate an exodus of American children and families from government-controlled education by educating the public and helping families. We are more than an organization, we are a movement.

Step Up For Students empowers families to pursue and engage in the most appropriate learning options for their children, with an emphasis on families who lack the information and financial resources to access these options. By pursuing this mission, we help public education fulfill the promise of equal opportunity.

You may have noticed that we do a lot of different things. Defending homeschool freedom? Yep. Legal protection for homeschoolers? You bet. Practical support and academic resources? Of course!  HSLDA offers even more than legal advise!  Check them out!

Our Mission is to build a foundation of liberty in the homes of America, through the mothers of America, to raise a new generation of patriots, and heal our nation from the inside out.  Moms for America has MANY homeschooling resources on their website!

For almost two decades, TheHomeSchoolMom has been a guide to the best homeschool resources available online. Originally started by Mary Ann Kelley in 2000, the popular homeschooling site features resources like how to get started homeschoolinghow to choose homeschool curriculumhelp for new homeschoolerslocal homeschool programshomeschool curriculum reviewslesson plans & printables, and much more! The site contains thousands of pages of homeschooling resources for new and veteran homeschoolers alike.

The Florida Parent-Educators Association exists solely to serve homeschooling families in Florida. It executes that mission through support for the legal right to homeschool, local school board of education and interaction, support group networking, a state convention, local conferences and events, informative communications, and individual encouragement, all in accordance with Judeo-Christian principles.  Check out their homeschooling Myth Busters!

We stand for the fundamental right of parents to raise their children, and firmly believe children belong to their families, NOT the state, the teachers, the teachers’ union, or any other bureaucrat. We believe that in this current, and increasing political climate of medical mandates, forced vaccines, and the hyper sexualization of children through various outlets; parents have the final say, and call the shots

Our mission is to see America’s biblical and moral foundations restored by training and equipping churches to establish Salt & Light Biblical Citizenship Ministries that will defend and promote life, natural marriage, our constitutional and religious liberties.

Each year, the American Federation for Children compiles comprehensive information on private school choice programs in America. Today, those programs serve more than 600,000 children in 31 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. We hope this publication will continue to serve as a resource for those looking to better understand educational choice and will help us all advocate for new and improved private school choice policies in 2022. Download Guide Here

VELA Education Fund is awarding a new round of microgrants to innovative, nontraditional education programs that are meeting learners’ unique needs. The grants of $2,500 and $10,000 will help everyday entrepreneurs — students, parents, educators, and community groups — take their ideas and new ventures and quickly put them into practice.

The deadline to complete applications is 11:59 pm EST on Friday, November 5, 2021, or when VELA receives 750 applications, whichever comes first. 

National School Choice Week is a not-for-profit, charitable effort to raise awareness of effective K–12 education options for children. We focus equally on traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online schools, and homeschools.

Black Minds Matter was founded in 2020 to bring attention to the inequities in the education system that eerily resemble the institutional injustices of our criminal justice system. For Black lives to matter, Black minds must matter.

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Why We Need A #MassExodus From Public School

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